A series of aerial photographs in more or less chronological order from the 1920's or 1930s through the WWII era and 1940s. The major building expansion took place in the early to mid 1930's with the construction of new brick and metal hangars and modern brick buildings in the Georgian Architectural Style and a new concrete East-West runway just South and Parallel to the new hangar line. Just before WWII (1938-1939-1940) the expansion of the multi-directional runways began, starting with the Northwest to Southeast runway, followed by the Northeast to Southwest and then a second East-West runway, south and paralell to the original one, along with construction of wooden structure barracks. Most pictures courtesy The Cradle of Aviation Museum and the Vanderbuilt Cup Races website. Some views found across the internet. Thanks to all the anonymous contributors.
1924 looking West, Meadow Brook Polo Club in foreground.