I am in the process of documenting every airplane crash and accident that occurred at Mitchel Field/Mitchel AFB. Researching and cross-referencing crash records and documents is a time consuming and tedious process. I hope to include details and photos. Please be patient and check back often for updates.
170507 LWF SC-113 SCAS, Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, NY KCR 5 Merrill, Ransom H. USANY Mineola, LI, NY
170919 JN-4A SC-1137 SCAS, Mineola, NY TOAEF 5 Petree, Harris E. USANY Mineola, NY
170919 JN-4A SC-1139 Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY LAC 5 Rivers, J. C. USANY Eastern boundary of Hazelhurst Field, NY
8 May, 1918 "CAMP MILLS, HEMPSTEAD, L. I., May 8. - Cadet John D. Ervin, of West Point, Miss., was instantly killed and two other aviators were injured when two airplanes collided at Hempstead Plains today. Cadet R. E. Jeremy, who was in the machine with Ervin, was so seriously injured that he can only live a few hours. His home is at Emporia, Kansas. Cadet J. R. Vidmer, driver of the other airplane, had his left leg broken, and was otherwise injured. The two machines collided at high speed and fell two hundred feet.
The Aviation Archaeology database shows Curtiss JN-4A or JN-4D, SC-1320, with the pilot listed as both Julian D. Vidmer and as J. W. Widmer, colliding with Curtiss JN-4A or JN-4D, SC-1329, flown by John B. Ervin, who is described as killed, seven miles from Mineola, New York. Joe Baugher shows 1320 and 1329 as delivered as JN-4As then converted to JN-4Ds.
180508 JN-4D SC-1329 SCAS, Hazelhurst Field,Mineola, NY KMAC 5 Ervin, John B. USA NY 7 mi from Mineola, NY 180508 JN-4D SC-1320 SCAS, Hazelhurst Field,Mineola, NY KMAC 5 Widmer, J. W. USA NY 7 mi from Mineola, NY
180508 JN-4A SC-1320 SCAS, Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, NY MAC 5 Vidmer, Julian D. USANY 7 mi from Mineola, NY 180508 JN-4A SC-1329 SCAS, Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, NY MAC 5 Cadet Ervin USANY 7 mi from Mineola, NY
180517 Caproni unknown Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY KCR 5 Resnati, Antonio USA NJ Orange, NJ
180528 JN-4D SC-2850 Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Passwater, Charles B. USA NY 2 mi from Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY
180707 unknown unknown SCAS, Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, NY SSPCR 5 Gianfelice, Gino USA NY Hazelhurst, Mineola, NY
180709 unknown unknown Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY unknown Culmer, Bruce N. USA unknown
180717 DH-4 AS-32694 Mitchel Field, Mineola, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Haines, Charles H USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
180816 unknown unknown SCAS, Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, NY KCR 5 Maxson, Harold F. USANY Brindley Field, Commack, LI, NY
180916 JN-4HB SC-38440 Mineola, Long Island, NY KCR 5 Austin, Eugene H USA NY 609 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn, NY
180924 NBS-1 AS-68467 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY KCRGC 5 Davis, Raymond E USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
181003 Caproni unknown Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY FLF 4 Parvis (Lt) USANY Hazelhurst Field, LI, NY
181120 DH-4 AS-39406 Mineola, LI, NY KCR 5 Gaskell, Ellsworth F. USANJ Hamilton Square, NJ
181208 DH-4 unknown Roosevelt Field, Mineola, LI, NY FLEF 4 Drennin, L. H. USAMD Brookville, MD
181224 unknown unknown Mineola, LI, NY KCR 5 Munford, Edward S. USANY Mineola, LI, NY
7 July, 1918 "NEW YORK, July 8. - Flight Sergeant Gino Gianfelce, [sic] one of Italy's most famous aviators, instructor of Resnati [,] D'Annunzio, and other well-known airmen of Italy, is dead here today, the result of a nose dive he attempted while flying in a fast scout machine slightly more than 300 feet above the ground – a trick he often had warned his pupils against."[215][216] The Aviation Archaeology database lists Gino Gianfelce [sic] crashing at the Signal Corps Aviation School at Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, New York, on 7 July in an unidentified airframe after experiencing a stall/spin condition.[155] The Air Service Journal carries this on 11 July: "Sgt. Gianfelice Gino, [sic] R. I. F. C. att. A. S. S. C. - Sergt. Gianfelice Gino, [sic] Royal Italian Flying Corps, att A. S. S. C., who was training American aviators to fly Caproni machines, dived to death at Hazelhurst Field July 7. Sergeant Gino was considered one of the best pilots of the Italian Flying Corps and had instructed practically all the noted Italian pilots and had made several world's records. He had just successfully tested an American built Caproni and carried Major General Kenly, Chief of Military Aeronautics, as one of the passengers. After landing he took up a S. V. A. scout to give an exhibition of acrobatics close to the ground and after half an hour misjudged his distance from the ground when going into a nose-dive and was unable to straighten out before striking the ground." The pilot's name is correctly Gian Felice Gino (9 May 1883 – 7 July 1918).
190421 unknown unknown357AeroSq Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY KCR 5 Meyer, Otto C. W. USANY Hazelhurst Field, LI, NY
190601 JN-6H AS-41885 Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY KMAC 5 Kelleher, Melvin B. USACT New Haven, CT 190601 unknown unknown Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY MAC 3 Morris, Howard D USACT New Haven, CT 190602 DH-4B AS-43626 Mitchel Field, LI, NY MACO 5 Kennedy, John C. USACT Hartford, CT
190624 JN-4H SC-4528 Hazelhurst Field, Mineola, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Watson, Sheeley M. USANY Rye, NY
190701 unknown unknown Hazelhurst Field, Miniola, LI, NY KCR 5 Biscayart, Jules D USANY Hazelhurst Field, LI, Ny
190728 unknown unknown Mitchel Field, LI, NY KCR 5 Johnston, Stephen B. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
191008 unknown unknown Mitchel Field, LI, NY KFLEF 5 Nevitt, William H. USANY Deposit, NY
220317 DH-4B AS-63989 Mitchel Field, LI, NY SSPCR 5 Valentine, Francis B. USANY New York Harbor, NY
220706 DH-4B AS-64556 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TOA 5 Watson, Dayton D. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
220730 JN-4H 22-532 Mitchel Field, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Lyons, Edward T. USANY Port Jervis, NY
220823 DH-4B AS-64544 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 4 Rivers, Harold R. USANY unknown, NY 220902 DH-4B AS-63548 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 5 Valentine, Francis B. USAME Veazie, ME
220916 DH-4B AS-63553 9OG Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LACW 3 Brady, Francis M USANJ Crosswick, NJ
221107 DH-4B AS-64634 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LACEF 5 Cook, Harvey W. USANJ South Benville, NJ
221112 DH-4B AS-63626 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY KMACO 5 Blancy (Blaney), John USACT Hartford, CT
23 September, 1922 A Martin NBS-1 bomber, Air Service 68487, Raymond E. Davis, pilot,[365] nose dived and crashed from an estimated altitude of 500 feet on a residential street near Mitchel Field, Mineola, New York, killing the six military personnel on board. At the time, the aircraft was involved in a night time war game display that was lit by searchlights and watched by an estimated crowd of 25,000 spectators.[366]
Courtesy NY Times: September 24, 1922. Click on each section above in order L-R to read article.
The Martin NBS-1 bomber: (not necessarily the one that crashed)
230407 DH-4B AS-64509 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACNO 5 Hyndshay, Silas C USAMD Baltimore, MD
230607 JN-4H AS-22533 1OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEFNO 4 Valentine, Francis B. USAPA Pine Valley, PA
230613 DH-4B AS-63540 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 5 Connell, Samuel M USANY Newburgh. NY
230711 JN-4H 22-535 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TOAEF 5 Olson, Olaf USANY Mitchel Field, NY
230820 DH-4B 22-580 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 5 Devery, John J USAVA Colonial Beach, VA
230823 DH-4B AS-64615 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLNO 5 Brooks, Thomas USANY Plattsburgh, NY
231010 DH-4B AS-645531OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLNO 5 Rowland, Dudley E. USACT Norwich, CT
231123 DH-4B AS-64547 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLW 5 Turner, Samuel H. USACT Stamford, CT
4 March, 1923 Martin GMT (Glenn Martin Transatlantic), USAAS 62949, (as identified in a 1972 article in Wings magazine) loses power on one of two Liberty engines while en route to Chanute Field, Illinois, is unable to stay aloft on one only, crashes. Pilot Maj. Bradley escapes injury, but Lt. Stanley Smith is fatally injured. Walt Boynes's account in Wings magazine gives the accident date as 5 March.[379] A period report from the Associated Press states, however,: "NEW YORK, March 4. - Lieut. Stanley Smith, army air service, was killed and Maj. Follett Bradley was probably fatally injured when a giant Martin bomer [sic] in which they had just left Mitchell Field [sic] for Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ills. [sic], was forced down in Brooklyn. Four student mechanics, privates, who also were in the biplane escaped with only slight injuries owing to the skillful manner in which Major Bradley piloted the big bomer [sic] to earth from 5,000 feet. The two officers were pinned under a wing of the machine, which, brought to earth on wheels, overturned when it struck a hillock. The mishap was due to a broken controlling rod." The Aviation Archeology site report matches the accident date, lists the pilot as Major Follett Bradley, Sr., identifies the Martin as AS-62951, and gives the crash site as Miller Street and Heigeman Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. Joe Baugher's serial number website adds that the aircraft had been modified to a Martin GMC with a 37-mm cannon in the nose, and that it carried McCook Field project number P110.
230304 MBT AS-62951 Chanute Field, Rantoul, IL FLEF 5 Bradley, Follett, (Sr) USANY At Miller Stret & Heigeman Ave, Brooklyn,NY
240310 JN-4H 22-554 Mitchel Field, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Weiss, Joseph L. USA NY Golf Links, 1.5 mi NNE of Mitchel Field, NY
240328 JN 22-547 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOAEF 5 Garlick, Thomas H USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
240531 DH-4B AS-64620 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TOAEF 5 Kinloch, Robert A. USA NJ Lakehurst NAS, NJ 240614 JN-4H AS-416798PhotoSec Mitchel Field, LI, NY TOAEF 5 McDuffie, Jasper K USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
240729 JN-4H 22-554 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 5 Raymond, Robert F. USA NY Main & Fulton St, East Meadow, LI, NY
240730 JN-4H 22-549 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACNOW 4 Martin, Abbott C USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
240812 DH-4B AS-64510 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LAC 5 Chandler, Homer B USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
240908 DH-4B AS-22594 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 3 Hoag, Earl S. USARI Woonsocket, RI
240912 DH-4B unknown unknown FL 2 Connell, Samuel M USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
240920 DH-4 unknown Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY CR 5 Goddard, George W USA TX Ft Bliss, El Paso, TX
240920 unknown unknown Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 5 McDuffie, Jasper K USA NE 2 mi W of Ft Crook, Omaha, NE
241002 DH-4B AS-63536 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOA 4 DeShields, Charles B USA WV Langin Field, WV
241002 OrencoF.4 Civilian A/C Roosevelt Aero Service, Westbury,NY TOA 4 Simpson, Russell W USAWV Langin Field, WV
241206 DH-4B unknown unknown FL 2 Connell, Samuel M USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
241223 DH-4B AS-64629 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 5 Turner, Samuel H. USA NY Hudson River at Harmon, NY
250101 unknown unknown Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 0 Eaker, Ira C USANJ Florence, NJ
250225 DH-4B AS-64609 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOA 5 Balfour, Max USA MA Boston Airport, MA
250315 JN-4 22-543 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 4 Nasief, Benjamin J. USA NY Westbury, LI, NY
250405 JN-4H 22-556 Mitchel Field, LI, NY SSPCR 5 Weidersum, Roy USA NY Camp Mills, Garden City, LI, NY
250523 DH-4M AS-616101OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLWDF 5 Prime, Charles P. USA PA Driftwood, PA
250608 DH-4BK AS-64562 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLW 5 Drayton, Harry C USA NY Manhassett Bay, LI, NY
250711 DH-4B AS-2341720BS Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEFNO 5 Rodgers, G. P. USA NJ Imalystown, NJ
250713 JN-4H AS-38404 Mitchel Field, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Hickey, Charles K. USA NY 2 mi N of Mitchel Field, NY
250715 JN-4H 22-552 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LACNO 3 Brady, Harry J USA NY Governors Island, NY, NY
250725 NBS-1 AS-68520 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TOA 4 Nissley, John K. USA NJ Camp Vail, NJ
250727 JN-4H 22-560 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLW 5 Eaker, Ira C USA NY Athens, NY
250815 DH-4B AS-221113 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LAC 4 Atkinson, W. T. USA CT Bristol, CT
250815 SpMes M1 22-329 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 3 Laughinghouse,NewmanR USA CT Monroe, CT
250829 DH-4 AS-63551 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACNO 5 Martin, Abbott C USA CT Beacon Falls, CT
250908 DH-4B 24-569OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LACMF 4 Balfour, Max USA PA Philidelpia NAS, PA
250930 JN-4H 22-547 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 5 Graves, Gilbert S USA NY Huntington, LI, NY
251007 PW-8 AS-24206 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 5 Cook, Harvey W. USA NY Near Hicksville LI, NY
251019 NBS-1 AS-68524 Mitchel Field, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Martin, Abbott C USA NJ Cape May Court House, NJ
251028 DH-4B 22-1183 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLW 5 Glenn, Albert F. USA OH 2 mi N St Clairsville, OH
251102 Sperry Mes 22-330 Mitchel Field, LI, NY SSPCR 5 White, Walter C. USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
251122 P-1 AS-25417 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 3 Smith, Luther S. USA NY Cherry Valley Golf Course, Garden City, LI,NY
260130 DH-4M AS-317155OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 3 King, Harold C USA DC Bolling Field, Washington, DC
260207 DH-4B 24-125 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEFNO 4 Hill, Ployer P. USAMD 1.5 mi E of Frostburg, MD
260525 DH-4B AS-64628 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LAC 5 Fritch, D. F. USA IN Fagley Field, Kokomo, IN
260622 DH-4M AS-30753 Mitchel Field, LI, NY KFLEFDF 5 Moose, William L. USA NY Cold Stream Golf Club, Hempstead, LI, NY
260727 O-2 25-354 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 5 Drayton, Harry C USA NY St Albans, LI, NY
260806 JNS 22-539 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 3 Stone, Philip W. USA NY Aquaduct Race Tracks, Jamaica, LI, NY
260817 JNS 23-538 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 4 Prime, Charles P. USA NY Motor Parkway, 4 mi E of Mitchel Field, NY
260906 DH-4M AS-311641OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACNO 3 Prime, Charles P. USA PA League Island Navy Yard, Philadelpia, PA
Charles C. Turner BIRTH unknown DEATH 1926 BURIAL Fort Hill Cemetery Auburn, Cayuga County, New York, USA PLOT West Lawn E Lot 10 Grave
261013 JNS 22-5649OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 3 Moorman, Ivan G USA CT Brainard Field, Hartford, CT
261013 DH-4B AS-64602 Mitchel Field, LI, NY KSSPCR 5 Perra, Henry R. USA NY In water of Port Jefferson Harbor, LI, NY
261026 DH-4M AS-31575 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 4 Holmes, Thomas J. USA OH Norton Field, Columbus, OH
261207 O-2C AS-2604035OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACNO 4 McCullough, Arthur L. USA NY Mitchel Field, NY
270216 DH-4M AS-38074 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 3 Stephens, Orville L. USACT Meridan, CT
270329 O-2C 26-404 Mitchel Field, LI, NY GACDF 5 White, Thomas D. USANJ Hangar, Hadley Field, NJ
270526 O-2C 25-405 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLWNO 5 Dorr, Henry W USANJ Camp Dix Airdrome, NJ
270623 O-2C 26-399 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 4 Williams, Robert B. USANY Reservoir near Hempstead, LI, NY
270725 O-2A 25-395 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOA 5 Dorr, Henry W USANJ Camp Dix Airdrome, NJ
270729 JNSI AC-44201 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLoGNO Allen, Greff USANY Deer Park Lodge & Motor Parkway, LI, NY
270819 PT-1 27-159 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LACNO 3 Balfour, Max USACT Danbury, CT
270823 JNS 24-245 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLWNO 3 Major, Joseph USANY Old Country Golf Course, Flushing, NY
270826 JNS 24-271 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOA 4 Goodale, Douglas T USANJ Fair Grounds, Trenton NJ
270831 A-3 28-107 ACTS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACMF 4 Tull, Lloyd H. USANJ Newark Airport, Newark, NJ
270913 PT-1 27-160 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEFNO 4 Wolfe, Franklin C. USAOH Uniontown, OH
271022 PT-1 27-158 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 5 Bissell, Harry, P USANY Verplancks Point, Peakskill, NY
271117 DH-4M 31-366 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEFNO 5 Bowman, John W USANY Beach 5 mi E of High Hill, LI, NY
271120 O-1B 27-265 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TACMF 4 Stephens, Orville L. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
271231 O-1B 27-269 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLW 5 Martin, Frederick L. USANY Hicksville, LI, NY
280105 DH-4B 23-715 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TAC 3 Teetsel, Jerry E. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
280123 VE-9 22-400 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TACMF 3 Seversky, Alexander USANY Mitchel Field, NY
280215 P-5 27-328 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLEF 4 Gaines, Edmund P. USANY Lake Ronkonkoma, NY
280227 O-1B 27-284 Mitchel Field, LI, NY GAC 3 Hicks, Ronald A. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
280525 P-5 27-329 Mitchel Field, LI, NY BOF 5 Umstead, Stanley M USANY Mitchel Field, NY
280604 A-3 27-311 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLWNO 4 Duke, James E., Jr USANY Swamp near Manitou, NY
280608 O-11 27-107 9OG Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY BOSF 5 Balfour, Maxwell W USANY Meadow Brook Country Club. LI, NY
280810 XO-13 25-332 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY BOEF 5 Gates, Byron E. USAWV Candy, WV
281007 PT-1 26-315 Mitchel Field, LI, NY TOAEF 3 Harbula, M. G. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
281012 O-1B 27-272 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACMF 4 Reynolds, John N. USATX El Paso, TX
281114 XO-13 25-331 Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 3 Woodward, Mark R. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
281209 PT-1 25-250 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOAEF 4 Bange, Louis C USANY Mitchel Field, NY
81223 O-1B 27-282 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY FLMF 4 Gross, Mervin E USAPA Air Mail Emergency Field, Kylertown, PA
290310 C-1C 27-203 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOA 0 Blaufuss, William B USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290318 O-11 28-212 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEFNO 3 Warber, C. P. USANY 6 mi S of Hicksville, LI, NY
290328 O-11 27-106 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOAEF 5 Fisher, Harold B. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290424 O-11 27-102 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY TOA 4 Eller, Louis N USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290628 O-19 29-369 9OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY KCRF 5 Balfour, Max USANY Meadow Brook Country Club. LI, NY
290702 O-2K 29-210 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLW 0 Hovey, Burton M. USANY Buffalo, NY
290703 O-1B 27-285 1OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACNO 5 Starratt, T. R. USAMA Boston Airport, MA
290726 PT-1 25-28030 1OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 3 Sexton, Vincent USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290816 O-1B 27-283 1OS Mitchell Field, LI, NY TAC 3 Holterman, E. H. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290817 O-11 27-104 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LACGL 4 Clark, Albert T. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290822 PT-1 26-326 1OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LACSSP 3 Fairchild, Edward M USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290904 PT-1 25-280 5OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 3 Rodriquez, M. B. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290906 O-1B 27-275 5OS Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LAC 4 Bange, Louis C USANY Mitchel Field, NY
290923 PT-1 25-245 Mitchel Field, Hempstead, LI, NY LAC 3 Durbin, M. C. USANY Roosevelt Field, LI, NY
290927 O-11 28-215 99OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LACSF 3 Tindal, Larry N. USAVA Kenbridge, VA
291012 O-11 28-217 99OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLEF 4 Thomas, William C. USANY Great South Bay, adjoining Islip, LI, NY
291112 O-1B 27-274 5OS Mitchel Field, LI, NY LAC 5 Koon, Ralph E. USANY Mitchel Field, NY
291114 XO-18 27-263 Mitchel Field, LI, NY FLW 3 Mills, Samuel P. USANY Hudson River Country Club, Yonkers, NY