From: [email protected]
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 16:01:19 -0500 Subject: Santini My wife and I lived in Santini in 1954. When we moved in the one bedroom apartment, the windows were so coated with dirt from WWII, that I used a razor blade to scrape it off. The enclosed picture is my wife at our door before going to the base hospital for our first child. In those days the babies were kept in a nursery and brought to the mother at feeding time. What impressed my wife was that our baby was put in a small bed at the foot of her bed and from the first minute told to take care of your baby. Jim Herrold * reprinted here with Mr. Herrold's permission |
Possibly a WWII vintage Santini wood frame building. If it is then there are only two wood frame buildings left in all of the Mitchel area. Only one still exists on Mitchel proper. T142 on Mitchel was in very bad shape. T142 was destroyed. T154 is the remaining "T" building on Mitchel proper.
Photo and text by Vince Fitzgerald |